Friday, March 31, 2017

Important Update


I know what you are thinking: "HEY YOU LOOSER!!!WHERE IS MAH NEXT COMIC PAGE!!!! YOU SAID EVERY WEDNSDAY!!!!!!!!!! GET TO WORK YOU LAZY BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

...look... It might be hard to belive, but i do have a life.

You see here is the story: Recently i landed a new job, this is both a good and a bad thing...

On the one hand it will help supporting myself wich is a perk i didn't had back when i started; the bad is that this will take away from the time i can invest into the production of the series. Has if that wasn't enough this new job has taken me abroad wich is a BIG change (if you have ever moved into another country you know what is like).

If that wasn't enough, i am having issues with my equipment, i litterary CANNOT WORK has much has i really want to... My point with this is not to say "i am not doing this anymore because i have a new job and i dont wanna do VGW anymore, its too hard; i give up", my point is that right now i cannot do any work on the series has much has i really want to because i have a lot on my plate + technical difficulties.

I've wanted to make this post for a long while by now and i hope that with this i've answered some questions, i havent forgoten nor have i given up, is just that life gets in the way... I hope i can sort all of this out has quickly has possible so i can get back on schedule.

Until then, stay tuned!

Friday, January 27, 2017

Twitter activity


Happy New Year! (A little late for this site)

I just want to remind everyone that I have been very active recently with my comic series witch has recently reached te 5k view mark, you can keep up with me via twitter here: