Sunday, June 29, 2014

It´s gonna happen… + Soul Calibur V Game Review

Finally I feel like I am getting my project moving; I wanted to have something more complete and presentable to show you all, but I´ve had some issues with my computer this week and I am kinda worried, I hope this problem doesn't aggravate any more…

I hope this little tease give you an idea of what I have in store!


This game is like a coin; it has two faces…

Is not a bad game but it does have many flaws that damages it´s quality, although many would argue that a fighting game´s story is second against gameplay and the core mechanics, I disagree but in absolute understanding that is very important for this kind of games to get that right… but we´ll get to that when we get to that. Soul Calibur V´s story line is a really dumb one; it made me feel confused, weird and wandering "huh?" "what?" and "how"… when stories do this I know something is wrong and I think that the main problem is with the characters in general (especially the protagonist) and that is that they are either just introduced and not presented well enough or just show up to disappear and never be seen or heard from again, event´s that lead nowhere and may I say, the main character (the guy we fallow that we are all supposed to root for) is a complete asshole, the very first moment he is introduced he is being a horrible person, I understand his intentions are good and the ends justify the means and all that, but I never see this anywhere. The story is just an overall mess.

Thankfully the game mechanics are great, the fights are always a joy to experience and the core mechanics are well applied, even though I personally find some characters more overpowered than others is all a minor distraction… I also really appreciate the inclusion of character creation, you give his/her own look (armor, weapon, etc…) and a fighting style that is basically one of the characters already in the main game…

Soul Calibur V happen to be a really good game IMO, is not the best fighting game I have played (kinda far from it) but I think the goal of this title was to be a fun fighting game and that success. I personally still think is kinda of a weak intro in this series because of it´s mediocre story line. If you like this franchise then by all means play it but if you are not you are still going to enjoy it, even if the story will have you scratch your head many times...

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