Friday, May 27, 2016

Ghostbusters (1984) Movie Review

I have always believed that any press is good press:

Case and point... the new Ghostbusters movie by Paul Feig, a clear reboot that capitalise on the stablished franchise. Although my intent here is not to talk about the new film but about the original movie released in 1984, I believe it is imposible to do so by addressing the clear elegant in the room that is the negative reaction to the new movie... It is very possible for this movie to be good, who says it can't? but obviously the trailers haven't been good enough to sell us on a good movie but rather on a subpar comedy and this is what people are really angry about.

I have recently decided to watch the original 1984 movie that is still to this day being hailed has one of the greatest comedies of all time and although I do consider it a very good film... I don't know if I would call it "amazing". Now before you get me wrong, this film was released years before I was born so that means that either some jokes don't strike too much of a core with me because it's before my time or because I am an idiot...

Ghostbusters fallows the story of 3 gentlemen who study the paranormal, and thus they decide to create a "pest control" like group called the Ghostbusters with the addition of another new member to their team, they must eventually fight a dangerous force that can destroy the world. Has simple has it's sounds is this story, however is the characters what shine through: they are outcasted nerds that struggle to find their way in society... I am sure that almost everybody in the world has at some point found themselves alone through life and feeling like nobody likes or cares about what we do and love; witch is why is incredibly easily to relate to our main characters.

At the par with the Ghostbusters being relatable it is also very funny at some points and serious at others helping to give credibility to the world and helping you care for the situations at hand.

If you are young and haven't seen Ghostbusters then do yourself a favour and do so.
I may not consider it a master piece but it is a good fun and enjoyable movie... and that alone is good enough for me to enjoy it!

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