Saturday, June 18, 2016

Grave Encounters Movie Review

This movie draws me... not in the "it fucks with my mind" kind of way but just by the idea of it.

A crew of filmmakers decide to lock themselves up inside a clearly creepy abandoned mental asylum for a reality TV show called "Grave Encounters". Has they lock themselves up during the whole night they experience certain hauntings and paranormal activities just has they wanted and has the time to leave approaches... something is clearly wrong with the place; something evil and dangerous.

I guess the reason why I somewhat like this movie so much is because I like the idea of a haunted place with angry spirits that kill people who trespass their territory (is golden creepy pasta stuff), the crew are an alright bunch with them being clearly playful bunch just doing their job, characters like T.C. do get on my nerves for being unlikable but with a situations that confusing and all out crazy I can't blame him when he or any of the other characters get natural frustrated and start to loose their minds.

The "found footage" style of horror is somewhat common now days with all the Paranormal Activities and such... so the movie is another attempt at cashing in on the style right? with it being relatively easy to shoot and such, well yes and no. Grave Encounters works for me because of two reasons: the story and the editing, the story is about filmmakers shooting a reality TV show inside an old abandoned insane asylum so it naturally makes sense to see the cameras being put in movie-ish ways and the editing help minimise does awkward camera angels of handheld shots by the main characters clearly done for "dramatic purposes".

Has you may have been able to tell I haven't talked about the fear factor of the film at all and that is because fear is subjective... some people are more easily frightened than others, I can say that I personally wasn't scared nor was it a nightmare inducing thriller, for me it was just a fun little movie and nothing more. I suppose if you are easily startled by the occasional jump scare with loud SFX and creepy looking face or stuff like that then yeah... it will be scary for you.

I guess what I am trying to say is that Grave Encounters is a film i can tolerate  better than many obnoxious horror films that I usually come across... I love good horror movies and I like seeing good horror movies so it is a breath of fresh air to see one that is not bad but actually fun to watch and I want to see it again in the future when it feels fresh again.

If you decide to check out Grave Encounters just keep in mind is really nothing special in terms of horror movies but it is a fun ride still witch is in my opinion the most important thing a movie must achieve first and foremost.

PS: don't watch the sequel, is shit...

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