It´s been almost two months since the lunch of Kojima´s last entry in the MGS saga... and at the time I felt giving my opinion was not the best because my take on this game isn´t really "nice" and I refuse to sugar coat my analysis.
Before I proceed with the topic in this post allow me to say that I like this game; I´ve spent hours on the experience and it´s been a fun time without a doubt... it´s worth buying even if you are not a fan of the franchise just because of the refined stealth gameplay. The way you can approach each situation is almost limitless and just because of this reason the player can decide their favorite way to deal with their objectives.
The level of polish in MGS5´s gameplay is so good that I doubt anything that Ubisoft comes up with will ever come close... but with this I am done with the praises.
Phantom Pain´s marketing envolved many different approaches, it brought topics that somehow spoke to many people making clear that Konami (and maybe Kojima himself) wanted has many people has possible to play the game... I am sure fans got exited about the story, some players were intrigued by the commentaries the game might present and some just wanted to play an action game out of the typical CoD/AC spectrum.
I particularly am not a huge fan of the franchise but I respect it for what it has done for the industry, inspiring many other trends, by it´s release MGS5 has gotten critical acclaim all across the board by many major outlets... but after it´s official release common players started to take on forums and other social media showing discontent towards certain aspects of the game (particularly the story).
If I had to give the game a score it would probably around 6 or 7/10 but why? Well for starters the open world is not that interesting; when we take in consideration other games that do open worlds better is easy to see why, the world of MGS5 is empty... there is nobody to meet or to discover out in the open world so why bothered at all to "explore"? no amount of little easter eggs is gonna make it justifiable there is just no point to it all. The side ops are a joke... too many of them repeat and are mundane tasks that add nothing to the story or have a meaningful reason behind their propose of allowing you to produce GMP faster or earning a new blueprint for a weapon so why really bother? Both Afghanistan and Africa are just enmity barren wastelands with nothing to really find in them.
The FOB are ok I guess but still unnecessary since you can manage your base without the need to be creating another FOB... not to mention you can be invaded by other players and have materials and personal stollen or killed so I find it a little annoying more than fun.
I don't want to end on a sour note... I enjoyed this game and have put plenty of hours into it but the fact that it's gotten such high recognition because of the Kojima vs Konami situation may have stored reviewers and fans hearts towards the wrong angle of the spectrum; I am not trying to convince you guys of hating or liking this game... I just want to get across why I think these critical acclaims are unwarranted just because of the production issues it had before release.
Metal Gear Solid 5 is worth buying... but don't expect a "fascinating story" or a satisfying resolution... if you think you can tolerate the repetitive nature of the game's side ops then just be prepared to do it many times.
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