Friday, November 13, 2015

The Last Witch Hunter Movie Review

It´s the most average movie I´ve seen in a while...

When I went into this movie I had low expectations and it wasn´t that hard to be not exited... so why did I watch this movie? I had lunch with my brother one day and he wanted to go to the movies, he choose to see this one... that´s it.

Story goes that Vin Dessel is an immortal witch hunter and he is doomed by not being able to reunite with his dead wife and daughter in the after life, more happens but that is the just of it really... is not a bad story is just not has great has it should be, is made even less powerful by the fact that Dessel is not allowed to die; I get he wants to be reunited with his wife and child but why the immortality theme? it just takes away too much of the suspense.

I can say that the world and lore is kind of interesting... I like how the witchcraft is presented and how magic works by social and political restrictions, it´s actually kinda cool! Vin Dessel serves has our walking bible of the universe since he is constantly throwing exposition at us (granted, he is wise for living for centuries), but to the films credit it dozen´t go all the way with this and really leaving some amount to the imagination of the audience to interpret.

I can understand the need to introduce your audience to every little nook and cranny of your universe but is always better to have it written into context of the story instead of force feeding it, I really get it has a writer myself but this is why we must try hard to control this hunger and trust our audiences. The Last Witch Hunter is not bad,  is just average has average can get but I still have some respect for this movie since the talented cast really gives a lot to the movie has a whole and there was legit effort put into this movie, from the writing to the cinematography... unfortunately it doesn't fully pay off...

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