Saturday, September 27, 2014

Watch Dogs Game Review

Well... I guess there is a lesson to be learn from this game don´t you agree...?

You play has Aiden Pierce, a vigilante who can hack into the CtoS system using his smart phone to create all sorts of chaos around the city with the propose of fulfilling his goals. The story is very weak that does not really take advantage of it´s really big idea, without going has far has it could with a concept more like "with great power comes great responsibility" or something like that; and believe me, I am not asking for a deep story that sticks into your head after the credits roll, but the way the game itself shows the character´s struggles, aspirations and goals kinda makes you believe this... I gotta admit it´s not awful but it is kinda pretentious when you think about it, witch is also something that is happening with many current Ubisoft games too.

Gameplay wise is an open world sand box where you can pretty much do whatever you want but of course you are a vigilante not a psychopath, so you are supposed to avoid killing innocents and stop criminals, but nothing is stoping you from being a killer either. One thing I can say that is great about this game is that is full of activities and content for you to play with, from missions to city games, there is plenty to do... and there is of course multiplayer, where there are a variety of activities to play with has well; the best one in my opinion is online hacking where is a unique type of 1v1 match where one player must hack the other and remain out of sight while the other must find and kill the opponent, is a very interesting mini game that might get you hooked (I know it hooked me).

The game world really feels alive with people having natural interactions with others and the city of Chicago being big on size, while it is smaller than say something like GTA, it´s still a very big map with plenty roads and short cuts to go all crazy with.

Watch Dogs is a good solid game, that can´t be denied, but is in no way pushing the envelope of next generation of games, it has interesting ideas that do take shape in the game but still makes the game feel kinda fall short of it´s own hype and promises made by developers during interviews.

But what is the lesson? That Ubisoft over hyped the lunch of this game with crazy expectations and it happened every time during big game events where it was shown and people also bought into it... "Don´t over hype your game" is the lesson, not only for Ubisoft but for the whole industry and for players is "Not buy into the trailers" has they are made to make you buy the product.

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