Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Animation Judgement

There is a topic that I am afraid is not often seen, or talked about except among does interested in it; that is the way we look at animated media (movies, tv series); now I am pro-animation, in fact I fully support the world of animation no matter the form, from hand-drawn to 3D, flash and stop-motion I find a deep respect for the world of animation.

However there is a dark side to this story; by some who call themselves "professionals" classify animated movies has little more than child nonsense, even with classics like "Lion King", "Princess Mononoke", "Toy Story", the list goes on… so why is animation still not respected has it should.

I saw an article a good while ago and it talked about "Frozen" nominated for best animated film and winning with a significant gap; but that is not what got me, it was the judges comments and they were something like this:

"The only reason I give my vote to Frozen is because it´s the only movie I saw from that classification"

"I saw this movie with my kids and they liked it…"

"I didn´t saw ANY of this movies, I choose Frozen because it´s the one most people have seen"

There were more comments like this; It´s possible that this people have never seen adult animation movies, but has professionals of the medium they should be more respectful of the general movies they watch even if they are for kids. This isn´t just an issue one sees with some movie critics, but also with common audiences; I have talked with people who won´t watch anything animation related because is to "childish" and when I try to recommend movies that are for mature audiences they outright refuse to watch by the count of the fact that they are animated… I say this because has someone who has worked in animation and respect the style It hurts when people refuse to open their eyes to new perspectives.

I know there are people who love animation, enjoy and admire the grace that comes with it along with the admiration for it´s stories (when they are good), but the general audiences still sees animation has a genera and not has a style of story telling; this kind of perspective is associated with the fact that our society classifies animated movies, series, etc… has for children and granted, most are; but then they turn a blind eye of mature animated content.

I repeat; I am aware that there is people who do give care for the animation industry; but the problem is that the people that we see giving the big prizes, that teaches us about the media and general public care nothing for the style and refuse to see animation has what it is, a method of storytelling…

Maybe one day, animation will find it´s way into the acceptance of the audiences has more than just a mer thing for kids and eventually open their eyes, until then, animation will have to bear with the pushes from people.

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