Saturday, August 22, 2015

Inside Out Movie Review (Retackled)

This is going to be an extended look at the story of the film Inside Out; unlike my first review I will give full spoilers for the entire film, so if at this point you haven´t seen the movie yet, I suggest you do before reading, If you want a spoiler free review feel free to check my previous review of the movie:

In my first review of the film Inside Out I seemed negative with the majority of the issues that for the most part are just annoying and takes away from my immersion in the story; I still feel like according to the movie itself, Riley is a robot and all the other humans are robots... however I can´t take it out on the whole movie because of that fact has the movie has a whole has plenty of effort, creativity and care to make something good.

The beginning of the movie is well thought but not well executed, allow me to explain: the film´s start is the birth of Riley with Joy being the first emotion she "gets", I guess the movie had to start at some point in the story but I feel like the only reason why it did was to establish that Joy does not like Sadness... is so bold that it pretty much left no room for the imagination; it basically stablished very early on "this characters are gonna get along by the end" (I think Pixar does very often in it's films), I may be in the minority by saying this but it's how I feel about Pixar's formula witch they have abused since "Up".

Joy is pretty much the only character with any kind of depth to lash on to has she is the only one with an arc (and a good one to be fair), the rest of the emotions particularly the ones who stay in HQ (Disgust, Fear and Anger to be more specific) don´t, witch is a shame because the characters and their personalities are actually kinda cool... I can't think of any characters who weren't unlikable (except for maybe Riley's "imaginary friend" character), the problem lies in their lack of focus by the writers side where they pretty much give no focus to this characters aside from their stablished personalities.

The point of the story is to talk about growing up and how this affects people particularly when moving to a brand new place... and has someone who has had to move and live in different countries I know all to well how difficult this can be, having to adapt to a new place with new people and in some cases a brand new way of thinking and culture... that the movie shows well from Riley's POV, is not so visible from the emotion's though, it would have helped if in the movie Disgust and the other's who remained at HQ did the best they could but the writers one dimensional interpretation of the characters forbid such a think; example? take a look at the scene where Riley is having dinner with her parents, Disgust is supposed to try and make Riley act like Joy would, but instead her response is bunkered with a brats answer, I am not trying to say that Riley should act exactly like joy would, but there are many ways around it and this would have also been a great opportunity to give Disgust more character development; is almost like the writers didn't saw the potential they had.

I am sounding way to negative again I know, but why am I you ask? well because the movie is already being praised everywhere by everybody... and I think that looking at the flaws of something helps us see all the right angles instead of just remaining comfortable with what we saw and keep in mind that I did liked this movie and if for some reason you decided to read this without seeing the film I suggest you do, who knows? you may notice something I didn't.

After so much negativity I want to end on a high note... Inside Out is one of Pixar's best work since Up, the creativity and imagination put into this movie is a testament to the work this guys put into their projects, the characters are great, the management of the idea is very good is a soft look into the complexity of human thought in a way many of us can somehow relate; and for this reasons and more Inside Out is worth the watch, even with all of it's problems.


Sorry for the long delay on content people... but this summer in particular has left me with very little room to work on anything. I hope you like this review, I think I have manage to cover the essential issues I particularly have with the movie.

Hopefully I'll be able to get back on perfect track with the content on the blog.

Stay tuned!

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