Saturday, July 18, 2015

Terminator Genesis Movie Review

I finally got around to watch Terminator Genesis the other day and my thoughts are just... *sigh* I think is not very good

I will admit that my expectations for this movie weren't particularly high, in fact much of my uncertainties for this movie manifested themselves from the trailers I watched. Now if you have read my thoughts on the previous Terminator films you are probably aware that I really enjoyed the first two has they are just classic movies at this point and tolerated T3 and Salvation for what they were... I can't say I like Genesis though has there are too many elements that are just stretched and forced far too much here.

The theme of genesis is that the timeline has been reseted... so now the events of T1 are completely different to the point that they pretty much didn't happen at all, John Connor is a terminator (it was in the trailers so is not a spoiler technically) and Sarah Connor is a badass from the start. Let me state that my first problem with the film comes from the time placement they choose for this movie: Why reset the terminator timeline? Why not continue from where Salvation left off? Why start at the point of T1?

One idea the movie had I really liked was the point that Sarah was saved when she was a child by a terminator, I would have rather had that explored more in a full movie instead of "reseting the timeline". Terminator Genesis is not really a good integration into the franchise, maybe has a stand alone movie is fine but has a terminator movie it just tried to hard on so many levels and forced too much for me to really "like" it... I say i like the action but I doubt I would watch it again.

Is hard for me to form gathering thoughts about this particular movie has I just have little to really say... I hated the "reboot" element, the story wasn't that interesting and the unexpanded ideas makes for a pretty forgettable experience overall.

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