Saturday, July 4, 2015

Thoughts on the Batman Arkham series

So Arkham Knight is out... and I don´t care...

I don´t have exactly nice things to say about the Arkham games, so if you are a fan keep in my that this is just my personal thoughts that I want to transcribe into this post because I have been hearing plenty about Batman Arkham Knight recently and how "amazing" it is (If you discount the PC version).

I need to start with a preemptive defense here because my thoughts are sure to anger some of the fans of this series of games... What I am about to express is not hatred for the Batman character or Arkham games, I just want to transcribe in a short way why I am not fascinated by this franchise and what it does wrong... with that out of my chest let´s begin:

So the Batman Arkham games are set in the Batman universe (duh) with the first entry being Arkham Asylum where the Batman faces a riot started by his arch nemesis the Joker pretty much by himself with no backup from the police... in a general perspective the game is not bad by any means, I can´t hate it for that but I wasn't blown by it either. At the time, super hero games were limited to being movie license titles or the likes with a clear level of mediocrity and Arkham Asylum came in to break that mold and in that regard I can respect the title, it settled a standard for super hero games to live up to. Asylum in general is average, What do I mean? Well the stealth and combat are very bear bones unlike what many people have said, when in combat tap a single button to dodge and you´ll be fine... is not really "refined" has many reviewers have said if anything is extremely simplistic, same with stealth, just taking down the guys being from the top of this gargoyle statues "arbitrarily" in every stealth section.

Asylum is an ok game in general that created a new and brighter standard for superhero games, one that many devs have to live to when they attempt to make a superhero game now. With the success of Arkham Asylum a sequel had to be made no?

Arkham City is the sequel to the "hit" game of Asylum and while it retains the same mechanics and gameplay features now it is open world... yay? this only means you do the same thing only for much longer, the main problem I have with this game is that despite having a bigger budget and more development time they only translated the mechanics of Asylum into a bigger map that´s really all they did. You are probably thinking "Well if it ain´t broke don´t fix it!" but I never said Asylum was broken I said they needed to add depth to the core elements of combat and stealth.

I know that City is more beloved than Asylum, but put into perspective there is literally no difference, I can´t think of any new mechanics except perhaps the stealth, witch I admit is slightly better than in Asylum, but still very similar. The exploration is ok and in all fairness it does check the boxes when it comes to open world content needed, there are side quests, challenges, places to explore, etc...

I believe in giving credit where credit is due however, these games in general are polished and I don´t doubt that the devs put a lot of love and care into the making of this games... has of Arkham Knight, don´t really care enough to give it a shot, judging by looks AND looks alone, it´s Arkham City with a new code of paint...

Keep in mind my intention with this comments is not to keep you batman fans away from these games, I am just giving my take on to why i don´t care... I say this because I just want to  provide closure to does asking me to review Arkham Knight; there are plenty of reviewers out there that have tackled this title and provide very well balanced thoughts about it.


Still working on the tutorial guys, sorry for the wait it´s taking me longer than I thought... If not out by this weekend maybe by the beginning of the next.

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