Saturday, June 28, 2014

Why is Game of Thrones so good?

(At the point of this post the series is up to season 4)

I imagine that almost everybody reading this is aware of the hit TV show "Game of Thrones", and is sculpted fame; just on a side note here, I will try to keep this article with has few spoilers has possible.

The amount of fame that the series has gathered has made it a big topic to talk about, it is called one of the best TV series of all time if not the best; is watch by many people all over the world the audiences are varied from hardcore movie and show goers to regular watchers and pretty much everybody has at the very least heard of the series.

The show is based on the books of "A song of ice and fire" by George RR Martin, and the books have been around for a while before the TV series lunch but it was until recently that the series scaled to a high known franchise.

Why do I like "Game of Thrones"? I find this question hard to answer, not because I can´t find a good reason but because there are too many reasons… (even if that seems hard to believe) but maybe that is exactly the reason right there there are too many reasons and every single one of them valid. The may different story lines, each of them connect to one another creating one big cohesive story; the great characters, the extensive world and rich lore make of the series something alive and something you really get lost into.

I remember George RR Martin said in an interview he loves to have his viewers "on the edge of their seat" he gave this answer in response to the fact that characters that die in this show are usually the heroes, or the ones who we has audiences are accustom to know can´t die because they are the heroes, they are supposed to be the invisible good guy that saves the day in the end. Game of Thrones brakes this rule and instead shows us that not all the characters WILL survive, so if you fall in love with one of them, be scared because they can die… and there is one of the things that makes this show so amazing is that it wants you to care for this world has much has they can. The many sex scenes, incest, child attempt murder, etc… are made to shock us, for many series have this elements just for the sake of keep us watching knowing they have zero substance but this series knows this elements are a part of the world George created and uses it has a way to represent the kind of place Westeros is (is not like our world doesn't have things like this lol).

I personally find Game of Thrones has one of the most amazing television series ever made, even though I admit I am not into some of the story lines or sometimes I feel like not much happens in one episode, even does have something I can see, love or admire that it keeps me watching and just like I said before, the many story lines are the many flavors of this great series, of course all are great and are connected to the one big story is trying to tell, the story lines that I can get interested in engulf me because of the characters and lore that enrich the world.

The series has been able to keep a solid stance in this genera of television series with great characters, stories and worlds, we can all hope it keeps it like this for has long has the series lasts, the books are yet to be finished by the time of this post and we can hope it ends on a satisfying note… but until then it´s great to see this show get this amount of attention and the audiences who watch it (or read it) be so passionate about it. I have enjoyed this series since almost it´s start and to watch it grow makes me happy that people can appreciate whats good about our tv series...

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