Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Wrong Turn Review - Update

This movie is very clumsy.

I can appreciate the approach in terms of atmosphere, location and story, but everything about this movie is
 clumsy; Why are those hill billys so invisible? why the wacky acting? why are the characters so dumb? why is the camera work so awkward? You can argue this are all budget issues but that doesn't excuse the lack of focus this movie has... there have been movies made that have more focus than many major produced films.

This movie is not awful, is just mediocre in almost everything it does; I say this because I can appreciate the idea, but is just a clumsy movie overall.


Hello everybody!

Because I am currently moving into a new place, chances are I will be unable to post for some time, however I will make more post on the blog whenever I can... this is also a hold for the project I am working on (that i hope to share here soon)

If everything goes smoothly I will probably be back by the week end, if not, then next week for sure.

That is all for now! ^^'

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