Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A Commentary on the "Destiny" Game

Before I say anything I will just add this: I haven't played Destiny at the time of this post... and honestly I am not planing to, ever since it's announcement I didn't even considered to buy it; so why would I want to talk about this game? because of the reaction from players and reviewers towards the game...

For does of you who don't know, Destiny is an online first-person shooter set in a mythical sci-fy universe, your character is one who has been dead for some time and you are brought to life in this new world, you can create him/her and then set out to "explore" the world you inhabit, sounds self explanatory (a la Elder Scrolls) and simple but here is the problem (according to most reviewers), the story is extremely weak where there is very little context to the situations and nothing is explained enough and some of the world settings are not very inspired... another common criticisms I hear is a how unbalance the loot mechanics are and lack of substantial content outside of the competitive multiplayer aspect. That's pretty much what I have heard without playing the game.

There has been plenty of negativity around the internet lately and most of these people are very clear and direct about why the game is a disappointment; Destiny was not developed by a small company that had high ambitions... this was made by Bungie (the creators of the Halo franchise) so players have the right to expect top quality from this highly anticipated game. However there is another side to this story and that is the expectations players had about a whole new IP; while waiting for this game, it was constantly regarded has "the big changer" or "the ultimate game revolutionist" and I feel this is part of the problem on par with Bungie not making something above average, peoples expectations felt somewhat unreasonably high.

(It's obvious that there was plenty of effort put into making this game look this good)

When Destiny was first reveled, everybody went nuts, people began to have expectations that reached beyond what Bungie probably imagined to make, thus having the experience fall extremely short in the eyes of the players. I personally never got interested in the game, even with it's closing release date, gameplay footage or even the cost of the game development; I never saw myself buying this game at any moment but I was aware of people's hype thus I am hardly surprised to see the news that Destiny is the new big new franchise in gaming in sells numbers, it has done extremely well (11 million sessions only in north america). Again I can't talk about the game itself has I have not played it, but I believe there is blaming on both sides, on Activision and Bungie for being more concerned about promoting their game by selling it in the wrong way with over promising words and the players who bought into the hype and got unreasonable expectations (I feel like Watch Dogs had a similar lunch hype... and look what happened).

I can't give a full review myself on what I think about the game and chances are you won't see it from me, but you can find people's thoughts on the game and I am sure you will see plenty of well written reviews from you tubers out there if you know where to look; I personally recommend you check out this review from AngryJoe:

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