Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Grand Theft Auto 5 Game Review

GTA5 has been argued to be has good or better than San Andreas, is a debate that involve passionate GTA fans; to me though, it's a fun game and one a that is worth being entertained by.

For the first time in the franchise you control 3 separate characters with their own separate personalities, motivations and goals; all three characters have their own special skill that you can exploit either Michael's "bullet time" ability or Trevor's "rage" mode giving different approaches to firefight. The story is alright, I don't remember being emotionally invested into anything that is going on with the protagonists being bad guys... I mean you can't feel related to any of them but is obvious you are not meant to either. In overall the story is not particularly great when compared to "The Last of Us" (game that came out the same year of 2013).

Like is typical in any GTA game, the whole city is open to you from early in the game to do whatever you want, so if you want to get in trouble with the police when you only have equipped a puny pistol; is your choice. GTA5 is also taking a page from Skyrim by using an "improve by doing" RPG mechanic, for example: drive to get better at driving and shoot people to get better at shooting people, although I don't feel the difference much at the end of the day. Los Santos is massive however I feel like there really isn't much to see, sure the vistas are great and it feels alive with people walking around, running when causing mayhem and so on.

Grand Theft Auto 5 is fun, but I would not say is a masterpiece of gaming when I know there are AAA title out there that do what GTA5 does much better... but that is no meaning of saying is not fun there is a great deal of polish and attention to detail that makes the game feel good to play. The online multiplayer is great and almost better than the single player with the possibility of creating your character and multiple modes to play in.

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