Friday, October 3, 2014

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Movie Review

Well here it is, the one everybody loves apparently... "Prisoner of Azkaban" is the 3rd entry in the series and with it comes a new story and new situations. It´s hard for a third parter to be has good has the previous entries, considering that by this time is easy to perceive that there is beginning to be a missing part, thankfully this film not only manages to be good but a worthy kind of good.

A dangerous criminal named Sirius Black has escaped from the prision of Azkaban who happen to be a "loyal" follower of the dark lord Voldemort and now Harry´s life is in danger... again... but what is the truth behind the escape of Sirius?

The film has a different feeling than the previous entries in the series, there are plenty of grays and blacks... compared to the last two movies that were much more colorful and, dare I say, more full of life compared to this movie. The fact that is more dark (visually speaking) doesn't really add to the kind of story told here, it works very well when added to a scene that is indeed dark and edgy, but when it´s not it just does not stick well with the moment.

There are plenty of new characters and most of them are very much likable and welcome, like professor Lupin, he is very cool and is very competent at he does. The story is once again very strong and the characters are likable for the most part so there is no doubt there is a very good movie here and while is not the greatest (at least not for me), I did found myself enjoying it has much has the previous ones.

Chris Columbus is no longer directing and instead we have Alfonso Cuaron, who was producer in "Pan´s Labyrinth" and would also move on to make the film "Gravity". Although Cuaron does make his best to tell this story and he does a good job in my opinion, he does stumble a couple of times, he did got the main story across with success if you ask me. Actor Richard Harris, who played Dumbledore in the past two movies, sadly passed away; so they casted Michael Gambon and he would remain in the role for the rest of the series, he is good but I can´t help but feel that Harris´s Dumbledore came across has a wiser and even more likable than Gambon´s; but he still gives a good performance.

"Prisoner of Azkaban" is a great entry in the series, although I personally think is debatable if it´s better than it´s predecessors, I do am happy that I watched it, It´s a fun movie that scratches the dark surface of the Harry Potter universe.

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